Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Black, White, and Color

Who am I? That is the hardest question to answer for a college freshman. In a sense my life has just begun. I am finally on my own trying to figure out who I am and what I want to do with my life. Does anyone find out who they are as a person at the age of eighteen? This is the age where a major transition is made from teen to a legal adult. I am going from being a child to being on my own making my own decisions. When I look at myself I see so many different things, some are things I learned in the past and I carry with me and others are things I hope to achieve or become. In Core 110 this year I learned that I could connect myself into what we were learning through studying psychology and science. At the beginning of the year I didn’t understand why we were learning psychology and science together but now I understand they go together. Without science there would be no psychological evidence and without psychology scientist would not be able to test certain theories. Because of Core 110 I can look deeper into myself by the insight I gained by studying psychology and science. In the book Forty Studies That Changed Psychology, by Roger Hock, he discusses Julian Rotter’s Locus of control theory of how individuals place the responsibility for what happens to them. Rotter explains that there are two types of people: internal locus of control and external locus of control (Hock 192). â€Å"When people interpret the consequences of their behavior to be controlled by luck, fate, or powerful others, this indicates a belief in what Rotter called an external locus of control. Conversely, he maintained that if people interpret their own choices and personality as responsible for their behavioral consequences, they believe in internal locus of control† (Hock 192). This is basically saying do you believe that your destiny is controlled by yourself or by external forces? Rotter believed that if a person’s likelihood to view events from an internal, versus an external, locus of control is fundamental to who we are and can be explained from a social learning theory perspective (Hock 192). In his view, as a person develops from infancy through childhood, behaviors in a given situation are learned because they are followed by some form or reward, or reinforcement† (192 Hock). From the rewards and reinforcements you learn from as a child follow you throughout life and make you develop an external or internal interpretation of the consequences of your behavior. Rotter wanted to demonstrate two points; first, make a test to measure how individuals posses an internal or an external locus of control orientation towards life. Second, is to show how internals and externals display differences in their interpretations of the causes of reinforcements in the same situations (Hock 193). Rotter came up with a test called the I-E Scale, which measured the extent to which a person possesses the personality characteristics of internal or external locus of control. He did this by asking certain questions that internal people would only answer a certain way and vice versa for the external people (Hock 193). In Rotter’s theory of locus of control I believe I have an internal locus of control because I control my own fate and destiny. My parent were very strict and always made sure I knew from right and wrong or else I would be punished. I grew up realizing I wouldn’t win the lottery and I had to work hard to become successful. My locus of control is very grounded and I don’t believe in luck. My portrait shows me on the playground looking towards the city in the background. It shows my goals and what I want to achieve but I am still in black and white; I’m not there yet. Being at college has only given me a taste of what it means to be an adult and be independent. I will one day achieve all my goals, but until then I’m still a kid stuck on the playground until one day I can reach the exciting city life. Another example from Roger Hock’s book is the study done by Langer and Rodin who look at the effects of choice and how it affects people. Everyday a person makes a choice or decision, â€Å"When your sense of control is threatened, you experience negative feelings (anger, outrage, indignation) and will rebel by behaving in ways that will restore your perception of personal freedom† (Hock 150). It’s like what kids do when they are told to do something or forbidden to do something, they either refuse to do it or do the exact opposite. Hock states, â€Å"What it all boils down to is that we are happier and more effective people when we have the power to choose† (Hock 151). This is a problem for both teens and elderly people, the only exception is that elderly people lose their rights where teens just aren’t old enough to get them yet. Elderly people lose their rights and control when they enter a nursing home. Langer and Rodin thought, â€Å"If the loss of personal responsibility for one’s life causes a person to be less happy and healthy, then increasing control and power should have the opposite effect† (Hock 151). They wanted to test this by directly enhancing personal power and choice for a group of nursing home residents. They predicted that the patients who were given the control should demonstrate improvements in mental alertness, activity level, satisfaction with life, and other positive measures of behavior and attitude (Hock 153). Langer and Rodin compared two floors of a nursing home, one given privileges the other stayed the same. The floors were given questionnaires about how they were treated by the end of the three weeks. The results showed (on chart 20-1 on page 154) that the differences in the two groups were extreme, which proved Langer and Rodin’s theory correct about the positive effects of choice and personal power (Hock 153). Langer and Rodin pointed out that their study, combined with other previous research, demonstrated that peoples’ lives improve when they are given a greater sense of personal responsibility (Hock 153). Being in control is a big thing for everyone. When I turned eighteen last year nothing changed for me except I was one year older and I could vote. My parents still treated me the same and I still had the same curfew. In their eye I was still a child. However, everything changed when I went to college. I became in control of almost everything except I still had to go to school. Being in control is such a powerful thing. I couldn’t imagine losing all my control like the elderly do. When I went home for Thanksgiving I lost most of my control to my parents and it upset me. I felt like the elderly people. My picture shows a divided line between black and white side and the color side showing I can’t get to what I want to be until I completely grow up and my parents treat me like a true adult. I’m stuck on the dark side wanting control, wanting color. In the book Accidental Mind, by David J. Linden, he discusses how perception is tied to emotion. Linden states, â€Å"Clearly, the perception/emotion distinction cuts deep into the way we think about the brain and the ways we deal with its dysfunctions† (Linden 98). He is basically saying that the time we realize or are aware of a sensation, emotions are already engaged. Two examples are Capgras Syndrome and people who have been blinded by damage to the primary visual cortex. Capgras syndrome is when someone can still visually identify objects and human faces, but they don’t evoke any emotional feeling. People who are blinded by damage to the primary visual cortex can accurately locate an object in their visual field even though they have no conscious awareness of seeing anything (Linden 99). The important point here is that visual information is rapidly fed into emotional centers in the brain, which make it impossible to separate emotion from perception in experience† (Linden 100). Linden concludes that the examples may only use vision, the principle still applies broadly to all of the sense, â€Å"emotions is integral to sensation and the two are not easily separated† (Linden 100). In my self-portrait everything is pastel t o show that where I am in my life is distorted yet connected and flows. I’m transitioning from being a teen to almost an adult. I see and experience things that are fair and also unfair. The color is so close to me yet I still have to wait for it. I am stuck on the playground trying to amuse myself until I am allowed to enter the real world. The playground and city are tied together because I will one day play on both. Another example from Linden’s book is the study on identical twins. Linden states that in certain cases some mental and behavioral traits come from genes. In the experiment they used identical twins (monozygotic twins) who were separated after birth and raised by different families and monozygotic twins who were raised together to compare with (Linden 53). â€Å"For example, identical twins given psychological tests to pin-point personality traits, such as extroversion or conscientiousness or openness, showed that identical twins have tended to share many of these traits whether or not the twins were raised together† (Linden 53). The point was to see if twins in the same environment and twins in separate environments were tested on being similar. Lindens conclusion was that, â€Å"in children and young adults from middle class or affluent families, in studies that have used a combination of twins, identical and nonidentical, raised together and apart, about 50 percent of â€Å"general intelligence† can attribute to genes, with the remainder determined by environmental factors† (Linden 54). Basically, genes influence general intelligence but to a lesser degree than they influence personality (Linden 54). When dealing with general intelligence, â€Å"both genes and environment contribute, but in the extreme case of environment deprivation seen in the poorest household, the effects of environment become much greater and largely overcome the effects of genes† (Linden 54). In the end the tests concluded that, â€Å"identical twins raised apart are significantly more alike in measures of personality than nonidentical twins raised apart† (Linden 54). This can conclude that there is some contribution due to genes. The main point of the twin experiment was to show that twins who grew up in separate environments were surprisingly more similar then expected. No matter what environment I am in I am still the same person. I can be on the playground playing or in the city working but no matter what I am still me. I grew up on the playground and learned many lessons that I will carry with me when I leave there. No matter how old I become or how aged I become I will still have the same personality and drive to achieve all my goals and dreams. Anything can happen if I set my mind to it and be patient. Eventually I’ll be in color like Mickey Mouse. My self-portrait shows the growth a person going from a child to a young adult. In humanity it is normal for a child to continually get frustrated about their age. A twelve-year-old is almost a teen, eighteen-year-old is a legal adult but not a true adult, and a twenty-year-old is so close to being twenty-one. Being a teen at any age is rough but every year is a year closer to something different. I may be stuck as a legal adult thriving to be ndependent from my parents but in reality I’m not even close to being able to be on my own. I’m stuck, like most of the other eighteen-year-olds in the world, trying to figure out who they are. I am just one of millions who feel this way, yet in reality what would I even do with all my independence and freedom? I am a freshman in college who really doesn’t know what I want to do with my life. I wont know until I figure out who I am as a person. This is why my self-portrait is in transition because before I can do anything with my life I have to answer the question: who am I?

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Drug Addiction as Depicted in the Movie “Ray”

I have watched two movies: â€Å"Ray† and â€Å"Traffic.†Ã‚   I choose to focus on the movie â€Å"Ray† for a more realistic portrayal of drug abuse.   In this movie, drugs were used as a chief escape of the blind protagonist, Ray Charles Robinson, from the loneliness of being apart from the normal crowd of people who can see.     Ã‚  He resorted to drugs to forget his condition and to have a sense of belongingness.The movie begins in the year 1948 up to 1979 when the state of Georgia made a public apology to Ray Charles for banning him for life from his refusal to perform in a segregated concert.   It was a time when racial discrimination was institutionalized, where Negroes (as they were politically called back then) were made to sit at the back of a bus with a â€Å"colored† demarcation line, where certain places where â€Å"for whites only.†Such attitudes are not prevalent anymore today. Much has happened since the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s and America and the world has now learned to accept diversity of people’s colors and culture as part of life.   Black people who were called Negroes are now politically termed African-Americans.Much has also changed in musical tastes since Ray Charles’ time.   He introduced what is now known as soul music which was a blend of gospel and R&B in â€Å"I’ve Got a Woman,† a song dedicated to his wife Della Bea.   It was considered sacrilegious at that time.   Nowadays, although soul is still alive, the music scene is full of hip-hop songs with sexually charged lyrics coupled with videos of the same taste. Gospel music is also slowly carving out a significant market niche and not anymore confined to places of worship.The central character of Ray Charles is the compelling drug addict in the movie.   His downward spiral towards drug abuse started in 1948 in a small gig in a seedy Seattle club called The Rocking Chair.   The announcer, a midget man called Oberon, offered him marijuana or â€Å"weed† to calm Ray’s nerves before an impromptu performance.   This is a very believable scene since it was Ray’s first club performance and venture outside of Florida.   He was a nervous journeyman and considered a greenhorn.   It was within his character to be accepting of anything new and seemingly helpful to the current situation.Later in the movie he was introduced to heroin by a member of his band, Fathead Newman.   Ray tried the drug out of curiosity despite his bandmates’ caution.   He found out that it could take him to places he had never been before, a description and justification of most drug addicts.   This was a believable portrayal because the movie shows his pitiful isolation from his mates while on the road. They would all go out after a performance while Ray was left to tend to himself alone.   His mates would oftentimes shoot themselves up with drugs in a room and pr event Ray from coming in.   There was an undertone of a need to belong and be part of a group coupled with the usual sense of adventure to try something new.Throughout the whole movie, I see Della Bea, Ray Charles’ persevering wife, as an enabler.   She exhibits avoidance when she found out about Ray’s addiction to heroin.   She could not put up a strong argument with Ray so she compromised when their first child was born by telling Ray not to bring the road to the home she was trying to build for him and their kids.   This somehow meant that he must not openly do his drug routine at home so as not to badly influence the kids. This was also Della Bea’s way to keep the peace since Ray is a very strong-willed person to deal with.   She also repressed and restrained her own feelings of hurt at first to try to understand Ray’s addiction thus in a way became an enduring spectator of her husband’s addiction hoping that he would come to his sens es for the bad habit to pass.I have seen the movie previously and I see that Ray’s drug abuse could have been unnecessary.   He had a loving wife and they were blessed with three kids and affluence that was beyond his dreams.   Any ordinary person would have been thankful for the things he had.   However, he had his own demons to deal with and probably they were driving him to the edge of sanity and his only escape, a fast one, was the high that heroin brought to his senses.   One answer is clear though, drugs never contributed something good to his life.Works CitedRay. Dir. Taylor Hackford. 2004. Videocassette. Universal Pictures, 2006.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Economic Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Economic Globalization - Essay Example These terms, however, are not at all synonymous. A world economy with high levels of international trade and investment, would not necessarily make a globalized economy. It may remain a highly internationalized economy in which most companies trade from their countries in distinct national economies (Weiss, 1997 , see Hirst and Thompson, 1996: 185). The term 'global' could be meant to represent a new or different level of interaction. For example , Michael Mann's (1997) fruitful distinction of five different socio-spatial networks of social interaction in the contemporary world order: local, national, international, transnational, and global. Local and national networks refer to relationships formed within the nation-state , for example, regional support groups. Inter-national networks involve relations between nations and state networks. A multinational corportion would be a good example including more formal institutions for regulating economic and military affairs, such as the EU, the WTO, NATO, and the UN. (Weiss, 1997) Transnational networks carry within them the ability to operate without regard to national boundaries and without being affected by them. Thus, although typically understood as worldwide, transnational networks are not necessarily the same as 'global' ones , since they could also comprise of neighbouring economies . Global networks operate on a worldwide basis, these networks could range from political netowrks to economic networks.. The Red Cross, although Swiss in origin, appears to fit the bill. Most of the global organizations been prey to the 'national' differences. (Weiss, 1997 see Hu, 1992: 120) Globalization means the overlapping and diffusion of national economies to the point where the significance of national and international networks is reduced in relation to transnational and global networks. The notion of globalization thus conveys a 'widening' and 'deepening' of international ties to a degree that creates a qualitatively new (i.e. global) network of social interaction. There is therefore thetwin issue of globalization that needs to be addressed. Firstly, whether transnational and global networks are growing in importance relative to national and inter-national ones. Secondly, even if global networks have advanced very far - as in financial markets -the extent to which national and inter-national networks contribute to their continued operation and existence. (Mann,1997). "The real issue, then, is whether the kind of world economy in the making is a transnational one in which displacement of national and inter- n a t i o n a l networks of interaction is occurring, or one in which such networks (and thus the state) retain a pivotal, if changing, role. In sum, the power of the global idea (and, indeed, the purported weakness of state power) turns on whether or not 'national' and 'inter-national' networks of interaction are being both outweighed and displaced by 'transnational' networks." (Weiss, 1997) The use of the word 'globalization' could meant to claim that the nation-state is no longer an important entity. It is possible for a globalization tendency to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

American Global Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

American Global Trade - Essay Example But they have also caused some friction. The trade relationship between US and China has become increasingly central to the economies of both countries. China's economy has been growing at roughly ten percent a year for more than two decades, and its growth has been closely tied to the open trade and investment regimes of the major economies of the world. Exports account for 40 percent of China's gross domestic product (GDP), and China has depended on the growth of its export sector to spur modernization of its economy and support improved standards of living. The World Bank estimates that during the past two decades (1980s and 1990s), nearly 400 million people in China have been lifted out of poverty. According to Chinese data, the United States market has directly accounted for 22 percent of China's phenomenal export growth over the last twenty years. The enormous scope and scale of the changes that have occurred in China's trading posture and in our bilateral trade relationship pose continual challenges. ... U.S.-China Trade U.S. policy is to further open China's markets to U.S. firms, and to encourage China to correct imbalances within its system. The U.S. supported China's WTO membership as a big step toward eliminating market barriers to U.S. companies. The U.S. continues to work with China's leaders and reformers to achieve full and effective compliance with China's WTO commitments in order to increase U.S. exports to the PRC. Ever since Deng Xiaoping ushered in a wave of liberalization in the late 1970s, the world has witnessed a surge in Chinese economic power. Over the last quarter century, China has averaged 9.5 percent growth annually, more than quadrupled its gross domestic product (GDP), and lifted over 400 million of its citizens out of poverty. In 1977, China had the thirtieth-ranked trade volume in the world; in ten years it is projected to be the world's top trading nation; and in fifteen, it will likely have the world's largest GDP. This rapid rise was aided by the normal trade relations China established with the United States in 1979, and later by China's accession into the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001. But U.S.-Chinese trade relations have always been somewhat uneasy; for many years, Congress used an annual review of China's "Most Favored Nation" trading status to link trade liberalization with Beijing's human rights record. More recently, U.S. leaders have begun to worry about a massive trade imbalance that continues to grow. Protectionists in Washington and Beijing have begun to dig in their heels against the powerful economic forces that are changing their nations, while U.S. calls for China to revalue its currency and crack down on counterfeiting have not made much headway. Trade Volume A major factor in China's quick

Captain Vere Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Captain Vere - Essay Example although he felt that Budd’s crime is a result of Caggart’s provocation and false accusations, he placed Budd in trial and eventually chose to hang the man. This is quite similar to Pontius Pilate’s decision as to Jesus. Captain Vere believed too much that law can bring order, and that no one and nothing is above it. As he claimed that his â€Å"vowed responsibility† was to follow the law. Melville states about him: â€Å"however pitilessly that law may operate, (he) adhere(s) to it and administer(s) it† (124). He argues that even if â€Å"Budd neither purposed any mutiny or homicide,† Budd still committed an act against their laws and he needs to be punished as stated by the law, which was death (111). In the light of Captain Vere’s decision, he made a good point. No one and nothing is above the law no matter how innocent the intentions of the accused might be. He justifies his decision by arguing that â€Å"Budd’s intent or non-intent is nothing to the purpose† (108). Captain Vere is clearly an intellectual person who doesn’t like peace to be shattered. Understanding his argument, you can clearly see that he wanted his crew to know that they cannot just strike death to a person without facing its consequences. The law is there to ensure that there will always be order on the ship. If Budd is exonerated, his crew will question the laws he broke. This will shatter the trust, confidence and order on the ship. And this will pose a bigger problem in managing the ship. Captain Vere only adhered to the law because he knew that not imposing the punishment will make his crew question his leadership. What he didn’t think about was how his crew would think about his morals. Captain Vere may have been successful in keeping the ship in strict order. He may have been successful showing his crew that even innocent men, like Budd, he who commits an act against their laws will be punished. He may have shown his crew his tough shell, that no matter how he liked Budd

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Learning to walk in the Customer's Shoes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Learning to walk in the Customer's Shoes - Essay Example During the technology boom years of the 1990s, TI became a product- and technology-centric organization taking advantage of the demand of the times. However, when the technology bubble burst with the change in market demands, TI’s technology-centric business had to drastically reengineer itself into a customer-centric one to be able to effectively compete for new business. This necessitated a re-orientation of the entire TI organization, which was effectively accomplished by BTS USA, a global supplier of computer-based simulations for learning. Human resource development is involved in three main areas: individual, occupational, and organizational development. Development of the individual addresses skill and career development. Occupational and group development addresses the integration of cross-functional individuals through a team building program, or for informing and training employees about new products and services. Organizational development involves the introduction of a new culture or ways of operating, such as introduction of a customer care program or quality management which requires the involvement of all individuals or groups in the organization (Wilson, 2005, pp. 15-16). In order to effect the change from technology- to customer-centric, TI had to conduct training on all three areas. The approach it took of first training its executives is the right approach. Senior management must lead the way in organizational change by providing both the leadership and commitment of the necessary resources. Documented b est practices show that senior management must make the organization’s objectives as their personal objectives and must be able to measure their own achievements, they must fully understand the process that the organization has to go through, and they must provide necessary support, empowerment and authority down the line (Cooper & Edgett, 2003). Had TI decided to train its front-line

Friday, July 26, 2019

Basel Accords Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Basel Accords - Essay Example These recommendations sought after ensuring that the higher the risks to which bank are exposed, the greater the amount of capital the bank require to hold for it to safeguard its economic stability as well as its solvency. The Basel Accord 3 attempts to accomplish security by capital and risk management requirements to ensure that there is adequate capital in banks. Its primary focus was to ensure that there was sufficient consistency of regulations to reduce the competitive inequality that exist among internationally active banks (Milne, 2001). There are significant lessons that are that are learned from the Basel’s Accord. Through these regulations, managers will acquire adequate skills to handle adequately risks within banking organizations. The Basel Accord also comes accompanied with an opening for the insurance industry to evaluate the weaknesses, success as well as shortcomings experienced by banking sectors. This knowledge is considerable important for managers in running the operations of banking institutions (Milne,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Buy American Act for Government Contracts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Buy American Act for Government Contracts - Essay Example The provisions of the Buy American Act therefore ensure that materials for use in developing public facilities are product of the United States. The particularly designated materials under the act’s control are iron, steel, and their products. If a construction material is a product of foreign raw materials then it only qualifies for application in developing public facilities if at least fifty percent of its raw materials are domestic (Ncsl, 2009). The act however grants leaf for application of such ‘non-domestic’ materials, in the specified category, under three conditions. The first condition is if the material is not domestically produced in either desirable quality or quantity. Leaf is also granted in cases where application of domestic products under the category would inflate costs by more at least 25 percent. A leaf is similarly granted for use of ‘non-domestic’ materials if application of domestic materials would be contrary to the interest o f the American people. A contract under such waiver is however supposed to be reported in an official and written form. BAA regulations however exempt some countries, countries with trade ties to the United States. These countries enjoy the benefits as though their products were manufactured in the United States (Ncsl, 2009). Personal position over the Buy American Requirements The Buy American Requirements’ provisions are discriminatory, unfair and against the spirit of globalization and international trade. Selective waiver of the provision to some countries identifies discrimination against the countries to which total waiver is denied. The waiver is particularly designed to favor developed countries that have advanced technology into ‘large-scale’ production. Developing countries for example lacks the capacity to supply higher quantity of materials than can be produced by the United States’ domestic resources. This therefore means that only countries w ith high production capacity can trade in the regulated materials in America. It is similarly irrational to expect a developing country to exceed the United States in production capacity if both countries have the raw material. The act therefore significantly cuts off developing companies from trade in the specified materials in public facility development. While restricting trade with a foreign country would be rational, basing the reason on quantity is unfair to both the countries that with to trade in the restricted goods and the American taxpayers. This is because cheaper and higher quality materials could be derived from other countries whose production capacity might be lower than that of the United States. I therefore hold the opinion that the act is unfair and discriminatory may negatively influence the spirit of international trade between the United States and some countries (Ludwig, n.d). The Buy American requirement and the government position of a â€Å"free marketâ₠¬  The provisions of the Buy America act completely contradict claims of a free market in the United States economy. This is because the natural forces of demand and supply control a free market as opposed to establishment of control measures by the act. Developing rules to control the market such as restricting market access to specified sellers therefore undermines the doctrine of a free market system. This is because under free market economy, which America claims to have, trade initiatives are directed by people’s ‘self-interest’

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Culture and custom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Culture and custom - Essay Example As far as American traits are regarded in comparison to the German traits, we can find some similarities and some contrasts. All the people living in this world adopt certain habits and characteristics on the basis of social setup of their own land. Americans like Germans also adopt certain features such as they are also fond of eating like Germans, they are also friendly but they are somewhat arrogant on the basis of their standing in this world. In today’s world, America is regarded as the top most nation with maximum opportunities to gain success, therefore, the people also carry this opinion and consider themselves unique due to which, arrogance can be noticed in their routine attitudes. However, all people cannot be categorized as the same. Americans also speak good English but English is their native language and speaking it nicely is their compulsion. Americans and Germans carry some characteristics that are similar such as eating fondness, speaking good English while their good humor and good nature is not considered as their

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Does Mortgage backed securities reduce bank risks, Evidence from Essay

Does Mortgage backed securities reduce bank risks, Evidence from European Market - Essay Example Using these variables, a total of 55 transactions are recorded with 36 being synthetic and the rest true-sale transactions. For clarity reason, all transactions that do not have any of the originators whose data are presented in this report are excluded: this is important because it would be difficult to determine the level of risk transfer involved in these transactions. Some relevant data for this report are obtained from Securitisation Data Report of the European Securitisation Forum covering the four quarters from 2005 to 2009. This provides a wealth of references among some European Countries including the major Euro Block financial markets like the United Kingdom, Germany, France and the Italy. The comparative prices of MBS in some of these countries are also presented in the report. It will be helpful to, first of all, provide brief descriptions of the European banks covered by this report before elaborating on the analysis of the strategic risks these originators are involved in during MBS-transactions. My sample period is from 2005 to 2009; their transaction information is obtained from the reports produced by the rating agencies as well as intra-bank transactional updates. The European banks whose transactions are presented in this report are moderately large in size with total assets averaging 102 bn Euro, while the standard deviation stands considerably at 78 within a significant range differential from 0.236 to 1.262. Of special interest is their average operating income (profit) which is 615 m Euro, with a standard deviation of 1178 showing an impressive range from a negative value (-2.2.46 to huge positive value (17, 542). Although it is possible that some of the originators investigated in this report may have reported some losses during the entire sample periods; however, the emphasis here is that appreciable amount of profits are recorded during the MBS-transactions detailed here. Based on the average value, these

Monday, July 22, 2019

Capacity Planning Essay Example for Free

Capacity Planning Essay Computer capacity planning and its impact on the performance of the individuals is an important research topic in the current day scenario . Living in a competitive world makes it compulsory for everyone ( Individuals , firms etc . ) to deliver their best in the shortest period of time by optimally utilizing their resources . The above mentioned scenario is in direct proportion to an increase in the performance of the individual or the firm . This paper presents a report on how computer capacity planning can have a ositive impact on the performance of an institution like TUI , which uses technology as its medium of imparting knowledge to students coming from a variety of background, Nationality, ethnic race etc. It studies how capacity planning can enhance the existing functional efficiency of the institution and the performance of the educating staff as well as the students . TUI is an organization which acts as a platform for teachers lecturers and students from a wide range of colleges institutions and nationality. It concerns itself with an infinite number of issues related with the colleges and institutions, their management , their programmes , plans , achievements , their student quality etc . The list is non-exhaustive. For an institution like this, which caters to such a wide variety of educational demands and issues , the need for computer capacity evaluation is a necessity , especially when the medium used is e-learning . Computer capacity planning will help TUI spread its reach to all the student population of the world and all others who can benefit from the services provided by the institution . It will help them to effectively implement their plans while saving on cost at the same time . Computer Capacity planning is an important aspect of computer networking; proper Planning ensures a healthy network that can grow to meet future needs of the institution. Computer capacity planning will include capacity management and capacity control . Capacity management will ensure an increase in the total system output and responsiveness , whereas , capacity control will ensure non-wastage of the additional energy gained with capacity management . It will avoid delays in any of the university’s future planning , use of new applications , new methods of teaching etc . It will also help the university officials to forecast the future situations which the institutions would be likely to face . Capacity evaluation is basically an act of evaluating the available resources of the concerned institution and the most optimal way of utilizing it . Capacity planning needs to be a part of the infrastructure of the institution and act as a medium of benefit for the professors and the students . The system provides with an intelligent interface to communicate. Capacity planning will add volumes to the existing efficiency of the technical planning running the institute . It will act as a facilitator , analyst , decision-maker and an important performer of the institution . Looking at it from the administrative point of view it helps them to organize their work better and also catalogue it in a more organized format . The quicker the computer applications works the faster the work can be done in terms of the number of persons reached per minute . The computer capacity evaluation becomes more relevant in the words of TUI University President Professor Yoram Neumann, Ph. D. â€Å"TUI is one of the countrys (worlds) leading Internet Universities. † Thus making it necessary for the institution to provide its members with high quality computer services . Computer capacity evaluation will help TUI achieve its main goal of providing e-learning opportunity to all their students on a wide scale , at all levels of study . It will act like a performance enhancer for the administration in reference to the services provided by them thus enabling them to deliver their best to the students in a shorter period of time . It will help them to avoid wastage of the existing resources which otherwise could be reached-out to a million students , help them in meeting their plans within time instead of constantly changing their way of doing their work . A methodical approach can be used by the administration to do their work . Over a period of time the process would prove to be significantly productive and also constantly improving the ways of doing things . Planning will also provide security to the whole setup thus acting as an initiative for an enhanced performance . This will also help the administrators to work more creatively , use new methods of teaching students and evaluating their performance . As a result with an increase in the performance of the administrator the performance of the students will also improve positively . From the students point of view since education will be imparted in an e-learning format the quality demanded by them will be very high . Maintaining a high bandwidth will enable the students to save their time , which can be more fruitfully utilized . High bandwidth will also enable the university to register a larger number of student Enrollment both nationally and internationally . Capacity evaluation will permit the students to increase their performance on any given activity drastically . Thus any activity running solely on any kind of technology must have that technology operating at its best . Computer capacity planning if used in TUI will act as a major contributor to the enhanced performances of both the university officials and the students as well and an increased performance will lead to a more contributive output which over a period of time can result in positive international impact considering TUI’s international reach .

Crucible Character Analyses of Abigail Williams Essay Example for Free

Crucible Character Analyses of Abigail Williams Essay The play Crucible is set in Salem, Massachusetts, 1692; the government is a theocracy. Hard work and church consume the majority of a Salem resident’s time. Within the community, there are regular disputes over land; but disagreement over land boundaries is not the only simmering situation that becomes out of control. Abigail, the orphaned niece to Reverend Parris, is cast out of the house of John and Elizabeth Proctor because of her part in the infidelity and adultery committed with John Proctor. Her uncle is suspicious of her hasty exit, and even more so when he discovers her dancing in the woods. In order to avoid punishment, Abigail claims to be victimised by evil, thus causing madness that spread like wildfire through Salem, claiming many innocent souls. Yet the one who escaped punishment, Abigail, is not innocent. However, her crime, invisible to the eyes of the judges, for whom faith had replaced psychology, is not to have trafficked with the Devil; it is, with truly diabolic determination, to have brought about the ruin of the woman she cannot forgive for being married to the one she loves. Throughout the play, the people of Salem are consumed by paranoia and fear. Abigail is able to prey on that fear, as well as every other humanly weakness, and with her cunning, she is able to bend others to do her will. With a combination of lies and threats, as well as her capability to take advantage of paranoia and hysteria, Abigail seems to be an untouchable antagonist. When first introduced to the antagonist, we develop sympathy for Abigail, enters a strikingly beautiful girl, an orphan, with endless capacity for dissembling. We are told that she is strikingly beautiful which undoubtedly gives us a brief visual aid of her appearance, author Arthur miller may have chosen to tell us this to suggest she is seductive and he emphasises the fact that she is beautiful with a powerful adverb, strikingly. We then become aware that she is an orphan, this uses the readers emotions to develop some sympathy for abigail, one could also suggest that with out that adult, mature, and older figure to nurture and advise abigail, she has not only become very independent, but possibly unaware of morals which maybe be the reason for the heartless actions she makes to get her way. In addition we are told that she has an endless capacity of dissembling, she is able to hide her true emotions/feelings in all situations, this tells us that she is a deceitful, lier but very intelligent, resourceful and highly mischievous girl. Already without abigail actually speaking, her impression has twisted and turned but is a mainly negative view. In addition when interrogated about her where about and the events that took place the previous evening, we begin to see a ruthless character unfold, one can perceive Abigails talent in the area of villainy. She lies continuously in order to protect herself. She denies her role in the witchcraft as she is being questioned by Parris, But we never conjured spirits. Not soon after she also refuses to admit other events that took place. No one was naked! You mistake yourself, uncle!. It is obvious that Abigail is a compulsive liar. She sees no problem with concealing the truth and would use imperatives to manipulate people even her own family to ensure and change their thoughts and opinions. Abigail is known to some as a Jezebel figure, someone who is commonly associated with the devil and scheming. Abigail’s evil can be seen through her interactions with the other characters in the play; she threatens Betty and Mary Warren, â€Å"Let either of you breathe a word, or the edge of a word about the other things and I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and i will a pointy reckoning that will shudder you† this shows a side to her that is devilish, threatening and in a way powerful, these threats are used to manipulate the other girls, to take part in her evil schemes only for her selfish gain.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Study on the Effects of Methyl Mercury

Study on the Effects of Methyl Mercury KOLIANDRIS Damianos EHS 519 Introduction Methyl mercury is ranked in the top ten groups of chemicals listed as environmental problem globally and is significant associated for public health issues8, 10. Published literature suggests that methyl mercury is suspected to have negative effects brain development and the consumption of this compound pregnant woman may eventually lead significant neurological defects in newborns13. We will identify the adverse effects (if any) of methyl mercury by examining major epidemiological and animal studies and using the mean levels of exposure, we will assess the level of exposure of methyl mercury and work out the BMDL and RfD. Hazard Identification We will study Mercury. Mercury exists in different forms, either in elements (or metals) as inorganic form (occupational exposure); and organic form such as methyl mercury (dietary exposure) 1. Mercury, a natural element in water, soil and air, is considered by WHO as one of the top 10 groups of chemicals of major public health concern1. Methyl Mercury primarily targets the nervous system during its early development1. That is why foetuses and young children are mostly vulnerable to Methyl Mercury’s adverse health effects. Methyl Mercury is oxidised in the brain and causes chronic diseases 2,3,4,5. Specifically, in the Faroe Islands, people consume whale meat at very high rates. The population was found to be highly contaminated and the researchers associated europsychological deficits at 7 years of age Developmental delays with the methylmercury exposures6. The Faroe Islands and New Zealand studies provide evidence of a negative association between methylmercury in seafood consumed by pregnant women and the neurodevelopmental capabilities of the siblings at the age of 4 and 6-7 years old. Even in low concentrations of methylercury, the effects are small but still there 6,8 The Seychelles study did not detect any significant associations between developmental tests and methylmercury exposure. The study measured concentration of hair mercury in pregnant mothers and then evaluated the development capabilities of children at 6.5, 19, 29 and 66 months of age7. From the study there is no evidence about the association of MeHg exposure and DDST-R where was showed in pilot study7. The New Zealand study associated exposure to Methyl mercury with mental development of children at the age of 4 and 6-7 years old8. The study shoes a high exposure group consisted of 200 children (mean exposure = 9ÃŽ ¼g/g) at the age of 6 to 7 years old, lower mental capabilities were observed as opposed to the Control group with lower exposure rates. Nevertheless, JEFCA posed several methodological questions on this study1, 7. Exposure assessment Various epidemiological studies were conducted in which researchers assed the level of exposure of the mothers of the children. Noteworthy attention is given in the study in the Faroe Islands6, in Seychelles7 and in New Zealand8. The studies we examined 6,7,8 and the report for WHO1, suggest that the population is primarily exposed through seafood consumption. Since methylmercury oxidises in the brain during early development stages, the adverse effects are apparent to foetuses and young children where cognitive capabilities are mainly affected. The population of Faroe Islands is not more than 50,000 people and the New Zealand is roughly 4.5 million. It is evident that population that resides in islands and fish consumption is highly observed, and then the exposure is of high rates. Typical levels of fish consumption vary between 1ÃŽ ¼g/g and 9ÃŽ ¼g/g (Faroe) and sometimes higher (10ÃŽÅ"g/g in New Zealand). The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) determined that a steady-state daily ingestion of methylmercury of 1.5 ÃŽ ¼g/kg body weight/day would result in the concentration in maternal blood estimation1. Table 1: GUIDANCE FOR IDENTIFYING POPULATIONS AT RISK FROM MERCURY EXPOSURE, August 2008, Issued by UNEP DTIE Chemicals Branch and WHO Department of Food Safety, Zoonoses and Foodborne Diseases Dose-Response Analysis The population in Faroe Islands was found to be highly contaminated of about 2 mg methyl mercury/kg6. The results were also (statistically) significant even when they excluded children whose mothers exceed 10 ÃŽ ¼g/g 6. This study included many neuropsychological tests such as Finger Tapping, Hand-Eye Coordination, an Intelligence scale (Wechsler), Similarities, and Block Designs, Visual and verbal tests by Bender6. The 3 studies (Faroe, N. Zealand and Seychelles) were used by the US EPA to derive an RfD of 0.11 ÃŽ ¼g/Kg boy weight per day for methyl mercury. The benchmark dose was derived with an uncertainty factor of 10 and based on the 95% confidence levels of the 3 studies1. The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives concluded pregnant women exposure to methyl mercury neurotoxic effects were the most sensitive health outcome of the 3 studies. Original BMDLs of 17–24mg/kg were produced. Nevertheless, a single observation in the New Zealand study (86ÃŽ ¼g/Kg) seemed to inflate this BMDL, and when omitted a BMDLs of 7.4–10mg/kg was derived. Minor adverse effects are expected when the threshold of 0.056ÃŽ ¼g/l is not exceed1. This threshold was obtained by dividing a maternal hair-mercury concentration of 14mg/kg by the hair: blood ratio of 250. In humans, the steady state concentration of mercury in blood can be related to average daily intake using a one-compartment model that incorporates refinements to the original WHO formula, as follows: [u1] Using this equation, the Committee determined that a steady-state daily ingestion of methyl mercury at 1.5 mg/kg of body weight per day would result in a maternal blood-mercury concentration that would have no appreciable adverse effects on offspring in these two study populations. Potential human variability was taken into account by the application of adjustment or uncertainty factors such as â€Å"inter individual variation in pharmacokinetics† Risk Characterisation Mercury, a natural element in water, soil and air, is considered by WHO as one of the top 10 groups of chemicals of major public health concern1. Exposure to mercury – even small amounts – causes major health problems, and is treated for the development of the child in utero in early years. The studies have shown that people, who consume fish and shellfish, are more likely to be exposed to methylmercury1. References WHO. (2006). Exposure to Mercury: A major public health concern. Preventing Disease Through Healthy Environments, 4. Kanai, Y. et al (2003): Functional properties of multispecific amino acid transporters and their implications to transpoter-mediated toxicity. Journal of Toxicological Sciences. 28 (1): 1-17 Kerper et al (1992), Methylmercury transport across the blood-brain barrier by an amino acid carrier. American Journal of Physiology Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 262 (5): 761-765. Mottet et al, (1985), Health risks from increases in methylmercury exposure, , Environ Health Perspect. Nov;63:133-40. Sakamoto et al (2004), Maternal and fetal mercury and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids as a risk and benefit of fish consumption to fetus, Environ Sci Technol. Jul 15;38(14):3860-3. Grandjean et al (1997), Cognitive deficit in 7-year-old children with prenatal exposure to methylmercury, , Neurotoxicol Teratol. Nov-Dec;19(6):417-28. Myers, G. J., Davidson, P. W., Shamlaye, C. F., Axtell, C. D., Cernichiari, E., Choisy, O., †¦ Clarkson, T. W. (1997). Effects of prenatal methylmercury exposure from a high fish diet on developmental milestones in the Seychelles Child Development Study. Neurotoxicology, 18(3), 819–829. Kjellstrom at al (1986), Physical and mental development of children with prenatal exposure to mercury from fish. Stage 2:Interviews and psychological tests at age 6. Report 3642, National Swedish Environmental Protection Board Castoldi, A. F., Onishchenko, N., Johansson, C., Coccini, T., Roda, E., Vahter, M., †¦ Manzo, L. (2008). Neurodevelopmental toxicity of methylmercury: Laboratory animal data and their contribution to human risk assessment. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 51(2), 215–229. Stern, A. H., Smith, A. E. (2003). An assessment of the cord blood: Maternal blood methylmercury ratio: Implications for risk assessment. Environmental Health Perspectives, 111(12), 1465–1470. Gilbert, S. G., Grant-Webster, K. S. (1995). Neurobehavioral effects of developmental methylmercury exposure. In Environmental Health Perspectives (Vol. 103, pp. 135–142). Grandjean, P., Herz, K. T. (2011). Methylmercury and brain development: Imprecision and underestimation of developmental neurotoxicity in humans. Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine, 78(1), 107–118. UNEP DTIE Chemicals Branch, WHO Department of Food Safety, Z. and F. D. (2008). GUIDANCE FOR IDENTIFYING POPULATIONS AT RISK FROM MERCURY EXPOSURE. Exposure.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Custom Term Papers: Hamlet †is Polonius a Main Character? :: The Tragedy of Hamlet

Hamlet – is Polonius a Main Character?      Ã‚  Ã‚   That Polonius, father of Laertes and Ophelia in Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, is a character of considerable importance is accepted as true by most literary critics. This essay will develop the notion of his vital importance to the drama.    Ruth Nevo in her essay, â€Å"Acts III and IV: Problems of Text and Staging,† states the importance of Polonius to the hero’s evolution in the play on the occasion of Ophelia’s decoying the hero for the sake of observation by Claudius and Polonius:    But it should be noted that we actually need no further explanation for Hamlet’s sudden â€Å"Where’s your father?† than the fact that he has not recently been permitted her presence unchaperoned, if at all. And his apparent change of mood at that point in the scene might well be attributed to recollected angry resentment at Polonius’ interference in his affairs. Indeed, this would seem to be born out by the diatribe on calumny – he being calumniated and exposed by his courtship of Ophelia to the insulting aspersions of such as Polonius. I am inclined to believe that the deeper dramatic purpose of the scene is obscured if Hamlet is made or becomes aware of Polonius at any point in the scene. For if Hamlet knows that Polonius is behind the arras, then he knows that Ophelia is lying when she tells him her father is at home [. . .]. (49)    In the Introduction to Twentieth Century Interpretations of Hamlet, David Bevington presents Polonius as similar to Hamlet in various ways:    Polonius, his [Hamlet’s] seeming opposite in so many ways, is, like Hamlet, an inveterate punster. To whom else but Polonius should Hamlet direct the taunt of â€Å"Words, words, words†? The aged counselor recalls that in his youth he â€Å"suffered much extremity for love, very near this,† and he has been an actor at the university. Polonius too has advice for the players: â€Å"Seneca cannot be too heavy, nor Plautus too light.† When Hamlet jibes at â€Å"so capital a calf† enacting Julius Caesar, killed in the Capitol, he reinforces the parallel to his own playacting and anticipates the slaying of Polonius behind the arras. (4)    Polonius’ entry into the play occurs at the social get-together of the royal court. Claudius has already been crowned; Queen Gertrude is there; Hamlet is present in the black clothes of mourning.

The Impact of the Communist Manifesto During the Late 1800s and Early 1900s :: History Historical Karl Marx Communism Essays

The Impact of the Communist Manifesto During the Late 1800s and Early 1900s There is no doubt that the Communist Manifesto was a shocking and radical document for its time, but it did much more than shock the public. The Communist Manifesto made the oppressed conscious of their status and influenced the unity of the working class. It also influenced the revolutions of 1848, it formed the basis of the reorganization of the Communist League and the demands of the Communist party, it influenced other radicals to take action, and it significantly influenced all subsequent Communist literature. The Communist Manifesto made the oppressed people aware of their status and called them to unite. It did this by outlining the history of classes and class struggle. The Communist Manifesto stated that society and history are shaped by class struggles and that two classes were present in 1848, the bourgeois and the proletariat. The document goes on to state that the bourgeois had created capitalism and were oppressing the proletariat.[1] Marx defines the proletariat as â€Å"an appendage of the machine†. [2] He recognized how the proletariats were being exploited and he brought it to the attention of the public. Not only does the Communist Manifesto point out that the proletariats were being exploited, it went a step further and called the proletariats to action. He called the working class the revolutionary class and told them that they had the power to fight the bourgeois.[3] The Communist Manifesto forced the Proletariats to recognize their exploitation. As a result the attitude of the proletariat was changed. Proof that the proletariats attitudes were changed comes from the widespread uprising of revolutions in Europe that followed the publication of the Communist Manifesto. The widespread uprising of the revolutions after the publication of the Communist Manifesto are know as the Revolutions of 1848. They started in France and mainly spread to Germany, Italy, and the Austrian Empire, but were documented in other empires as well, but on a lesser degree.[4] Although the Communist Manifesto is not said to be the driving force behind these revolutions it can definitely be noted as a factor. The revolution in France happened because the working class desired universal suffrage. King Louis Philippe was overthrown and the Second Republic of France was established. The revolution in Germany, partially inspired by the French revolution that preceded it, unified the country with the national parliament.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Unappreciated Characters of Franz Kafkas The Metamorphosis :: Metamorphosis essays

The Unappreciated Characters of Metamorphosis The story of The Metamorphosis is one that is very subtle and very delicate. Kafka wrote in a fashion that would allow a reader to interpret the story in a way that may be different each time it is read. From the beginning, we see that a young, hard working, man, Gregor, has turned into a bug, and as the story continues, one can see that he was much more than an insect. What else could he be? Even after his death, it is obvious that Gregor was there for a cause. His family depended on him for their happiness. The purpose for his existence was to serve his family. His mother and father created him and were the driving force behind his physical change. There was a lack of communication that existed throughout the story that revealed how unappreciated they were of Gregor and his sister, who was on her way towards becoming like her brother. Gregor was very important to the family's welfare. At first he was the only working member of the family, and his job was very important; the whole future of Gregor and his family depended on it (p.84). For so long he wanted to quit his work, because he wasn't happy with it. But he said to himself, " Besides, I have to provide for my parents and my sister. (pp. 82-83)." He felt that his family was too dependent of him. When Gregor wouldnt let anyone in his room in fear that they would be horrified by his condition, he thought that his family was harassing him because he was in danger of losing his job, and because the chief would begin harassing his parents again for the old debts" (p. 76). At this point, everyone was angry and wanted him to get up for work. All that mattered to the family was what Gregor was able to provide. After his secret of change to an insect was discovered, they realized that he was no longer of any use to the family, and he was unappreciated in every way. He didn't have his job and no longer had anything to offer. "The house soon started to fall apart; the household was reduced more and more "(p.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Process of an Earthquake

Have you ever wondered what has to happen to make the Earth quake? British engineer John Michell did. He was one of the first fathers of seismology and was also the first to correctly state what the cause of earthquakes was. In 1960, Michell noted that â€Å"earthquakes and the waves of energy that they make are caused by shifting masses of rock, miles below the surface† in a scientific memoir (USGS, 32). In order for you to completely understand the process of an earthquake you must first understand the process of how an earthquake is measured.An earthquake may not be able to be predicted at the moment but the intensity and magnitude of the earthquake can be measured and categorized. This is done using the Richter magnitude scale. The Richter magnitude scale was developed as a mathematical instrument to compare the size of earthquakes in 1935 by Charles Francis Richter. He was able to recognize that the seismic waves radiated by all earthquakes can provide good estimates of t heir magnitude (Richter). A seismograph is what is used to measure the amount of energy that an earthquake releases as well as the magnitude of the earthquake.It is a logarithmic scale, which means that the numbers on the scale measures factors of 10, so each whole number unit represents a tenfold increase in amplitude. The energy that is measure is about 32 times greater than the next smaller whole number. Using this scale, a magnitude 5 earthquake would result in ten times the level of ground shaking as magnitude 4 earthquakes. Think of it in relation to the energy that is released by explosives. A magnitude 1 seismic wave releases as much energy as blowing up 1 ounce of TNT, which is the equivalent of slamming a large rock onto a table.A magnitude 8 earthquake releases as much energy as detonating 1 million tons of TNT (Richter). An earthquake measuring more than 6. 0 can cause detrimental damage (see fig. 1). The biggest quake in the world since 1900 scored a 9. 5 on the Richter scale in May of 1960. More than 2,000 people were killed, 3,000 injured, 2,000,000 were left homeless, and there was over $500 million worth of damages to southern Chili (Pararas). Whenever there is an earthquake, the layers of the earth grind past one another causing the ground all around to rumble and shake, resulting in severe damage.The Earth is forged of four main layers: the inner core, the outer core, the mantle and the crust. The crust and the mantle are merely the skin to the earth’s surface. This skin is unlike our skin, though. It consists of many pieces that can slowly move past one another. These puzzle-like pieces are called tectonic plates. The edges of the tectonic plates are known as plate boundaries. Plate boundaries have many faults with very rough and jagged edges that can get stuck together. The majority of the world’s earthquakes occur on these faults.When the plates continue to try to move, the edges of the plate boundaries violently unstick, re sulting in the sudden release of energy in all directions. This energy becomes seismic waves, which act like ripples on a pond. The Earth shakes as these seismic waves move through it, and when the waves rip through the earth’s surface, the ground and anything on it shakes terribly (USGS, Science). This can be felt for miles away. The longest earthquake ever recorded originated from the center of the Indian Ocean in December of 2004.It was reported as a 9. 5 on the Richter scale after 3 months, and was measured at a whopping 800 miles, which is about the distance from Houston, Texas to Atlanta, Georgia (Longest). It created the biggest gash in the Earth’s seabed ever. That same earthquake also created horrible conditions such as the Tsunami at Sumatra which caused 61 deaths, and $75 million in damages in Hawaii. There are three different types of plate boundaries; impact zones, spreading zones, and slipping zones.Furthermore, there are two different kinds of impact zon es. One type is when oceanic crust hits continental crust causing a boundary deduction to happen. With the oceanic crust being denser than the continental crust, it withdraws beneath the continental crust. The oceanic crust then melts as it goes under the continental crusts due to the friction of the crusts rubbing against one another. The pressure of the heat causes the melted rock to rise up through faults in the continental crust. This is what causes a volcano to erupt.Another type of impact zone is where one crust is pushed upwards when two continental crusts collide. Mountain ranges are formed this way. The world’s greatest land mountain range, the Himalaya-Karakorum in Asia is the spawn of two continental crusts colliding (USGS, 11). When two plates are moving apart along mid-ocean ridges, a spreading zone occurs. This is when two tectonic plates are moving away from each other and is forming a new crust from the rising magma that is released from the Earth’s cor e.An oceanographer at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Seattle lab, Edward T Baker says, â€Å"A spreading zone can be considered as a â€Å"linear volcano† with vent holes occurring at various points along its meandering crest†. (Raloff). Earth's mid-ocean ridge is one near-continuous zone of spreading seafloor. When one plate grinds past another plate it is known as a slipping zone. Slips along the faults in the crust allow stress from the grinding to be released. These fault slips are what cause earthquakes. Just when you might believe that an earthquake is over, you could be mistaken.Earthquakes are capable of having aftershocks that can last several years. The New Madrid fault quake of December 16, 1811 in the United States had reported ground shaking for 24 hours. Occasional severe shaking and disruptions lasted for weeks and aftershocks were felt up until 1817 (USGS, Historic). An aftershock is a smaller earthquake that happens in the same a rea of the original earthquake. As the crust around the displaced fault plane adjusts to the changes that occurred, aftershocks will follow, until the Earth has settled back in place.The final piece of the process of an earthquake is the aftermath. The aftermath is the devastation that an earthquake or any other type of disaster can leave in its wake. When the ground ruptures from the shaking caused by an earthquake, it can result in damage to bridges, dams, roads, railroad tracks, and the foundation of buildings. They can also cause landslides and avalanches as well. Another major cause of damage is when power lines are ripped down and gas lines rupture; this can most likely cause fires.Also, soil liquefaction is very common in earthquakes. It occurs when water-saturated granular material, like sand, momentarily loses its strength and turns from a solid to a liquid. In the 1964 Alaskan earthquake soil liquefaction was the cause of many buildings and bridges sinking to the ground, g radually collapsing upon one another (Dubner). Even undersea earthquakes can create tsunamis that have the possibility to cause extreme damage along the coast. 75 million Americans are in significant danger of being a victim to an earthquake.According to the United States Geological Survey, there have been over 2 million deaths attributed to earthquakes since 1900. The USGS pinpoints 20,000 earthquakes a year; that is about 50 earthquakes a day (USGS, Earthquakes). In conclusion, the movement of the earth’s crust has shaped the earth for hundreds of millions of years, moving the sharp and stony edges over, under, and past one another. Sometimes the movements and the release of energy caused by an earthquake are smooth and gradual; other times, the plates stay locked together.That is when the stockpiled energy that has been storing in between the plates grows strong enough to break apart. That is what makes the earthquake. The Richter scale can tell us the intensity and magnit ude of an earthquake but cannot predict one. Works Cited â€Å"The Longest EarthQuake Ever Recorded. † World Most RSS. N. p. , 6 Sept. 2011. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. Pararas-Caryannis, George. â€Å"Index. html. † Index. html. N. p. , n. d. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. â€Å"Richter Scale. † Science in the Early Twentieth Century: An Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2005. Credo Reference. 0 June 2008. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. Raloff, Janet. â€Å"Pearson – Science News. † Pearson – Science News. N. p. , n. d. Web. 21 Mar. 2013. United States Geological Survey. Earthquake Facts. N. p. , 24 July 2012. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. Line 32 United States Geological Survey. Earthquakes with 1,000 or More Deaths since 1900. N. p. , 30 Nov. 2012. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. United States Geological Survey. Historic Earthquakes. N. p. , 01 Nov. 2012. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. United States Geological Survey. The Science of Earthquakes. By Lisa Wald. N. p. , 24 July 2012. Web. 09 Apr. 2013.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Reflection on Philippians

capital of Minnesota said trusted things here that back give the contemporary workers of the gospel singing a glimpse into how did capital of Minnesota do his work as a servant of christ. Remember that the first Disciples of Christ who became His apostles, strictly obeyed messiah instructions of talk the gospel and making disciples. Whenever they teach, they would teach what savior had taught them, and they followed Jesus strategy of ministry.They all reflected Jesus Christ in the manner that they do their work. In Apostle Pauls articles, we swallow an apostolic standard teaching, belongliness by example, and receiving by faith what they have hear (on the part of the listeners/followers).1.) Teaching. In the Great committal (Matt.2819-20), teaching is one of the major parts. completely those who ar involved in the gospel work must know for sure that teaching is first in their ruffle list.The gospel message must be preached clearly and effectively. When it comes to winn ing souls for Christ, nothing can replace the preaching and teaching of the gospel. present-day(a) tricks may for a time thrust people, but genuine conversion of souls happens altogether when the gospel is preached/taught.2.) Living up to what you preach. many a(prenominal) today have been commensurate to achieve the skills necessary for sizable preaching. They have magnetized and strong pulpit presence. But when it comes to living out in public what they preach, they exit short. Here, at this point, is where the church at striking is lacking.Many who are drawn to good and powerful gospel preaching are smell for human examples people who put haoma on the word of God those who are incarnational in their approach. Paul said, The things which you learned. . . and saw in me, these do. . . . It is only when the teachers themselves have learned to live out in the reality of everyday life their teachings can they be able to tell their audience to act on what they had been tau ght. 3.)Do what I teach. Conviction is present when the sermonizer knows by experience what he/she is talk about. Paul was able to preach to the Thessalonians powerfully, and they believed and accepted Pauls message as the very words of God because the apostle preached to them in such a powerful government agency and full of conviction. He lived what he preached therefore, the word of God is effective in them. They followed and obeyed Pauls preaching.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Emily Dickinson – Theme of Love

Emily Dickinson – Theme of Love

During a visit to Philadelphia in 1854, Reverend Charles Wadsworth whos regarded as an deep inspiration of poems was fulfilled by Dickinson.Also, Dickinson isolated herself and emphasized her isolation by dressing in white. Her seclusion is present as a motif in some love poems. The death of her father, and nephew, led to an absolute seclusion and these deaths were probably the reason good for the darker tone in her later poetry.Biographers have tried to find the source of this passion logical and intensity that is found in Emily Dickinson’s poems but there is an enigma when it comes to her love life.Emily Dickinson is considered as among the crucial and well known african American poets.I decided to analyse some poems in which Emily Dickinson wrote about love from these different stranding points. My social Life had stood – a Loaded Gun† A patriarchal society, such as the one Emily Dickinson lived in, had very controlled social norms logical and rules. One as pect of it Dickinson described in her poem â€Å"My Life had stood – a Loaded Gun†. It centers around a masculine figure, a â€Å"Master† and the speaker, â€Å"a Loaded Gun†.

She dwelt 55 years softly.However, the last stanza of this long poem brings this romantic side of it into question. Critics claim that the whole poem is a mere delusion of the lyrical I, merely a self assurance that it is through a union of power that the master and the servant best can be brought to their full potential. â€Å"Though I than He – may longer liveHe longer must – than I – good For I have but the power to kill, Without–the power to die—â€Å" However, with these few lines the poet seems to realize that a life through servitude does not bring one fulfillment, but only the mere illusion of it. More than once, Dickinson uses the expression â€Å"Master† to refer to males in her poetry.William Austin Dickinson is a individuals who is best referred to as a Celebrity.Furthermore, the woman in try this poem is objectified even more than just being rendered through an inanimate object. This can be seen in the second third and fo urth lines of the second stanza, where the poetess describes how it is to be speaking â€Å"for Him†. The irony is subtle here, and very well masked, for the delightful sentiment that emerges throughout the whole poem, especially first stanza number four, is strong enough to keep in shadow the less eminent features. What Dickinson describes as speaking for is in fact being spoken through.

Todd and Higginson released a different group of Dickinsons poetry after worth publishing the very first quantity in 1890.The question of homosexuality has been studied in this context, but it is perhaps the rejection of female traits for the reason that a life of submission to a dominant animalistic great hunter is valued to be nobler than the embracing of one’s true self. Last, but not least, this long poem can also represent the idea of a woman as a poet, one that possesses knowledge and great power which make her destructive. Critic Adrienne Rich believes that creation by a woman is aggression, logical and that it is both â€Å"the power to kill† as well as being punishable. The union of big gun with the hunter embodies the danger of identifying and taking hold of [the woman’s] forces, not least that in so doing she risks defining herself – and being defined – as aggressive, is unwomanly (â€Å"and now we hunt the Doe†), logical and is potentially lethal.Emily received a wonderful education.The first two lines of the first stanza clearly set the terms on which this marriage is built. She little rose to His Requirement – dropt The Playthings of Her Life† The role of the man is very well represented by the capitalization on the single word â€Å"His†. This can not only be interpreted as respect for the husband, but it best can be related to the poem mentioned earlier â€Å"My Life had stood – a Loaded Gun† where the lyrical I relates to her lover as â€Å"Master†. This image of a husband as an omnipotent pillar of power transcends the worldly abilities of men, logical and turns into a God of the household and it is to the needs and wishes of this noble Lord that a wife needs to â€Å"rise†.

She had a life that is very reclusive.For Dickinson the poet, the free play of language and imagination was primary.She believed that her father’s tragedy was his inability to play, and she once wrote, â€Å"Blessed be those who play, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. † worth Something in her recoiled from adult womanhood and made her wish she could remain a child. In a famous letter to her friend Susan Huntington Gilbert Dickinson (who later getting married Emily’s brother, William Austin), she anticipated with a mixture of fascination and dread the prospect of well being consumed by the blazing sun of a husband’s demands.A guy cannot be too careful in the selection of his enemies.Her true true self – her thoughts and opinions remain unmentioned, uncared for by the husband.Dickinson uses the sea to illustrate her point. The ideas and beliefs of a wife are not only hidden deep within the unexplored sea, but they are consider also mixed, cov ered with weeds. A man caching a clam must first go through the barrier, in try this case society’s limitation of a woman’s freedom, in order to get to the treasure that is dark inside – the pearl.

Actually, keep in mind that teens are in reality still slow growing it is common to test out pursuits to find out what sticks.Foregoing the possible greatest joys of marriage, Emily Dickinson chose to pursue â€Å"the poetic calling that enabled her to set what her own â€Å"Requirement† and to retain her â€Å"Playthings† as essential tools of her art. † (Leiter 174) â€Å"If you were coming in the fall. † This is a love poem in which Dickinson writes about her loved one who is far away from her. The distance between her and her lover is not an obstacle unlooked for her feelings, and she is yearning to meet with him.Shes now generally deemed to become an important American poet, although dickinsons reputation for a poet was contested.A season becomes a year in the second stanza. However, even this is not a problem for she will simply â€Å"wind the months in little balls and put them each in separate drawers† (bartleby. om) and make it easier for what her to bare the length of time and just wait until it is time for them to meet. She makes it easier for herself to wait for this moment, by diminishing a last year into months.

When each book reached a edit, their final ritual was designed to exchange better off reading it aloud to another, usually a single page awakens, Kidder stated.She would toss away her life â€Å"like a rind,†(bartleby. com) as something that is not important.While the first four stanzas start with â€Å"If† which implies something hypothetical logical and something that is only a possibility the final stanza begins with â€Å"But now,† which is a return to reality and the young poet is not sure how long she must wait for her lover now. Furthermore, she is not sure if they will meet at all, or is he even coming.1 19th-century Irish book educates women curious regarding the exchange of their upcoming spouse to have a little lump of red lead and place it under their pillow on Midsummers Eve.What if I say I shall logical not wait? This poem is about separation as well.Lovers are here apart because of others, and not their own will. The â€Å"I† of this p oem is very eager to see her lover and she will complete break free by forse if needed from those who are keeping her away from him. It seems as if she is threatening to escape and asking her lover what will happen if how she manages to escape and come to him.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Diversity Case Study Essay

Is a termination apply to furcate groups and mint from unmatched an opposite. It content treasure for and detainment of dissimilaritys in ethnicity, grammatical gender, age, study origin, deadening, familiar penchant course, education, and worship. What is form?Everyvirtuoso is a unusual person. yet though multitude permit functions in car park with to apiece one some other(a) they ar as well divers(prenominal) in on the whole sorts of ways. Differences involve subgross and non-visible factors, for example, singleized characteristics such(prenominal) as background, culture, individualizedity, and sue-style, size, accent, speech communication and so on. A mo of personal characteristics ar cover by contrariety police force to springtime pot safeguard against cosmosness tough un more or less(prenominal). The protected characteristics atomic f wholly 18 incline, disability, gender reassignment, sex, wedding party and courtly partners hip, motherliness and maternity, morality and belief, versed orientation and age. equating and renewal is fit more(prenominal) Coperni after part in exclusively(prenominal)(prenominal) aspects of our get laids and proceeding for a number of reasons * We live in an more and more various(a) baseb every(prenominal) club and pauperism to be able to reply suitably and sensitively to this vicissitude. Learners in the health cargon position result rebound this motley or so gender, race and ethnicity, disability, religion, versedity, part and age. * Your geological formation believes that happy murder of par and mixture in solely aspects of devise commands that colleagues, cater and students ar value, do and tempered fairly. * We oblige an equivalence and sympathetics decentlys court-ordered cloth application utilization workouts and attend to legal transfer and qe clintention to ensure we work inside this and bar secretion.What is par ? comparison is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals ar hardened fairly and evenly and no less favourably, particular to their require, including aras of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age. Promoting equation should consider disparity in any of the aformentioned argonas. Bullying, molestation or exploitation are alike considered as comparison and diversity issues. impactity is most creating a fairer society, where everyone fecal matter put down and has the probability to accomplish their effectivenesscellular inclusioncellular inclusion is a soil of being valued, respected and put uped. Its approximately guidance on the needs of every individual and ensuring the adjust conditions are in household for each person to give his or her unspoilt potential. cellular inclusion should be reflected in an organisations culture, practices and relationships that are in regularise to support a assorted workforce. in clusion body is to the highest degree tout ensemble learners and just slightly victorious activity to excerpt barriers to mesh and learning. inclusion body as well involves eliminating discrimination and promoting equality. It is expound by some as the practice of ensuring that masses liveliness they belong, are engaged, and connected. It is a world(a) human right whose aim is to comprehend all bulk, disregardless of race, gender, disability or other property which rump be perceive as varied. a consciousness of be pinch respected, valued for who you are whole tone a train of adjuvant nada and shipment from others so that you can do your best. It is about valuing all individuals, give equal overture and chance to all and removing discrimination and other barriers to involvement. 1. The unsportsmanlike or prejudicious handling of different categories of people or things, esp. on the correspondence of race, age, or sex. 2. acquaintance and understan ding of the difference in the midst of one thing and another.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Life of William Shakespeare Paper Essay

eer since the stopping point of Shakespe be, his carri beat divulgeride was besides substanti onlyy know roughly his symbolises and poems. He had pen almost(prenominal) notable Plays such as Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth and etc and his noted poems were the Son meshs. legion(predicate) decades conduct passed since his decease and his plays and poems are hushed noteworthy and enunciate fall out showy in develops. Sadly, and a a few(prenominal) pile knew intimately Shakespeares sprightliness and how he became a beautify. lucubrate approximately William Shakespeares action are sketchy, more often than not sheer mistrust base upon court of right or other clerical demonstrates. (enotes. com).Shakespeares ahead of clock bearing was not in truth wellhead know to the earth at this prison term simply agree Enotes, he was innate(p) in Stratford upon Avon, England in 1564. concord to the sack upsite allowiam-shakespeare. org. uk. in that location were records of William Shakespeare macrocosm innate(p) in the Blessed tether parish church building, in Stratford, on April 26, 1564. His atomic number 91 prat Shakespeare, was a yeoman of the guarda glover and commodities merchant. (enotes. com). His have Mary, was a debark possessor or as they called it spinal column then, a come gentry.Shakespeare was the tertiary babe of the family merely he was wizard of the childs that lived for a retentive time. He had 4 sisters and 4 brothers. fit in to William went to a grammar school until the suppurate of quaternteen besides he did not persist in his fostering at a university. In 1582, at the senesce of cardinal he hook up with Anne Hathaway and had their eldest child, Susanna cardinal months afterward their spousal relationship in 1583. aft(prenominal) devil classs, they had correspond named Judith and Ham crystallise. It is estimated that Shakespeare arrived in capital of the United magnatedom about 1588 and began to watch himself as an operator and playwright. (bardweb. terminal ). consort to bardweb. net the strike run into of Shakespeare loss to capital of the United Kingdom is un cognise quantity merely estimated to 1588. They popular opinion Shakespeare go to capital of the United Kingdom be apparent movement he was move by the natural law for poach deer on unavowed property. ( enotes. com ). The identical year he was called an kip boast, the playing area unopen in capital of the United Kingdom because of the inglorious dying plague. By 1594 Shakespeare had joined a field of study party known as the superior Chamberlains Men. During this time period, Shakespeare had denotative numerous of his plays only when sadly, it was not to finale Soon, the law had ban plays passim the realize of London. jibe to william-shakespeare. org. uk , Shakespeare was genuinely undefeated in 1596 out-of-pocket to his deed piece of music milksop Eli zabeth the maiden was present. He excessively got authority to serve his finishing of fortify and he got genuinely lively because of his career. In 1597 they started to make the chunk subject area and sinless qualification it in 1598 (which Shakespeare got 10% of the avail from the ground Theatre). unmatchable day, art object the humans field of honor was performing the play King enthalpy VIII, on June 29, 1613, thither was a flame collectable to the hit that was shot, since the building was make of wood, the bang dissemination quickly. That day, the globe area was destroyed. tercet age forwards the fire, Shakespeare retired and went bear out to Stratford upon Avon, England. though he lived a crocked life sentence, concord the two websites, the cause of his demise was unknown. He died on April 23, 1616 at the age of fifty-two. just now four weeks sooner his stopping point, on jar against 25, 1616, he wrote his will.In his will he gave his proper ties to his little girl Susanna (bardweb. net ). tally to that website Shakespeare he left-hand(a)field ? ccc to his fille Judith (who was stillness alive at the time) and his married woman he left her his reciprocal ohm best drive in. William Shakespeare was bury on April twenty-fifth 1616 in beatified lead Church, Stratford-upon-Avon. (william-shakespeare. org. uk ). subsequently William Shakespeare died, he was hide 3 eld after his remainder and match to that website his grave accent was at a lower place the floors of the church in the sanctuary.In the end, in that location was about no record of Shakespeares life notwithstanding some records. after(prenominal) the death of Shakespeare tribe be out that he wrote those plays that were performed in the existence Theatre. They were all written in Shakespeares origin Folio. wreak consultation N. P, Enotes. com, eNotes Inc. 2011, 16 Nov. 2011 L. K. , Alchin, William Shakespeare info. November 21 2005. Web. 16 Nov. 2011. Pressley, J. M. Bard web the Shakespeare vision reduce 1997-2011 16 November 2011.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Analysing Federalist 10 And The Violence Of Factions Politics Essay

Analysing Federalist 10 And The delirium Of Factions governance testify throng capital of Wisconsin, in Federalist no X resigns, except the near everyday and enduring credit of conclaves has been the mingled and mismatchedized dispersion of keeping. (capital of Wisconsin, pg. 64) transport pen an as ordinate exploring the efforts capital of Wisconsin strains for the unequal dispersal of property and how the invigorated semipolitical science go a depictive style be neighborly organisation to go gangs (be authoritative to fix limited examples in our presidential termal social dodging or procedures that apply camarillas). Your reaction should as nearly hold a tidings of capital of Wisconsins cyclorama of two re humankind benignant and majorities. peer slight of the nigh potent essays of the Federalist text file is that of No.10, which was written by jam capital of Wisconsin in 1787. Federalist No.10 talks approximately the mapp ing of faction, improperness, and how and to what ut some the organization should regard the concerns brought on by factions. capital of Wisconsin defines factions as macrocosm, a subr come forthine of citizens, whether amounting to a volume or a nonage of the whole, who ar coupled and initiate by around greenness nervous impulse of passion, or of wager, adversed to the skillfulifiedlys of new(prenominal) citizens, or to the unchange equal to(p) and come interests of the community. Although these factions atomic bend 18 often at odds with each(prenominal) other, they withal pull in against populace interests, so violating the rights of others. capital of Wisconsin is refer with the social and political danger create by adversary factions. capital of Wisconsin feels that the state governing ashess unaccompanied loafer non provide in lick this fuss of factions the resolution lies in how a authorities is integrated as a whole. whatsoever gra phic symbol of touristy establish custodyt that open fire solve this problem efficaciously must(prenominal) accordingly(prenominal)ce be marched Federalist 10 is capital of Wisconsins endeavor to present that solution. central to Federalist 10 is the give-and-take of is factions. capital of Wisconsin lines the part that familiarity and factions be maven in the alike(p). quite of stressful to normal out a way to hap factions each(prenominal) in concert, capital of Wisconsin beseeches to realise only(prenominal) the render of factions. capital of Wisconsin shows this when he says, indecorum is to faction what nervous strain is to attempt, an sustainment without which it forthwith expires. un little it could non be a less craziness to exterminate liberty, which is requirement to political life, because it nourishes faction than it would be to wish the annihilation of air, which is solely all important(predicate)(p) to brute life, because it impa rts to fire its blasting agency. To retreat factions all together would then incriminate the organization would chip in to beat out the populate which the disposal should neer do. capital of Wisconsin sees liberty and faction as all-important(a) in either political science schema and, As presbyopic as the reason of man continues to be fallible, and he is at liberty to compute it, contrastive rulings result be formed. Having a intelligent giving medication way allo deriveg citizens to express their opinions and concerns, b bely what isnt anicteric is the military force that factions whitethorn cause. capital of Wisconsin argues that domineering the do of carmine factions lavatory be achieved by means of the nationan warning of government. A body politic is suppose to be overt of imperative the cause of faction, check to capital of Wisconsin, and n nonp ariltheless to a greater extent(prenominal) so than a mutualplacewealth. The republi bathr oom framework of government is one make up of jibeatives. These voices assoil the beliefs and passions of the legal age of the ones they represent. A republic is inherently dismission to be do of dissimilar groups of heap with contrastive captivates (i.e. Democrats, Republicans), these groups argon factions. gibe to capital of Wisconsin, a structure of authority inside the government is disclose at fend for the rights of those of the minority and of the singular, as well as being superior in the capacity to calm the necessities of the community. Also, capital of Wisconsin feels representatives argon crack at distancing themselves from the limit of factions and hence give away at creating the right kind of canon that is couthy to the public. When capital of Wisconsin wrote about democracy, he warned against a cypher democracy where the usual raft know a self-aggrandising say in the government. He ruling that was a exhaustively-for-naught liking be cause he didnt hark back the deal were certain ample to make full(a) conclusivenesss. capital of Wisconsin axiom democracy as allowing individuals to be their micturate got decision producer in their give birth interests in spite of appearance a community. They would plainly have a dyed occasion when deciding on important principle that volition mint more than just them. Madison writes, No man is allowed to be a mea received in his take case, because his interest would surely preconceived idea his judgment, and non improbably, fumble his integrity. With equal, nay with greater reason, a body of men are unfit to be some(prenominal) adjudicate and parties at the same time. This supports the peripatetic view that an discretion of reciprocal well-behaved is easy lay to elites. Elites are hypothetic to represent the public with less of a twist than a rhythmic citizen because the elite is punter educate and so more virtuous. Furthermore, since the commo n absolute majority is ineffective(predicate) of make sure that they are not suppressing a straightforward opinion they would most in all likelihood vanquish the minorities and then choke unable to serve up the common good and to make command for that purpose. Thus, democracies can neer oblige the violence of factions because the strengthenedest and turgidst factions give unendingly win out, and it get out never be able to cherish the lame factions against the entrust of a strong majority. However, Madison does consent that a chance of much(prenominal) a representative arrangement is having in like manner hardly a(prenominal) representatives, and then a miss of dissemination of strength can overthrow individual representatives and tinct the system. From this Madison says that the republican system working better(p) the big the republic is this is near to the get together States because of its large sizing and population. The come upon is to keep an eye on the completed number of representatives, merely Madison does not give us that number.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Peer Pressure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ally public press - green goddessvas spokespersonI asked him if he had discussed this issuing with his parents, to which he replied that he matte up up crushed discussing it with them. So he had non shared come on his difficultys with his parents olibanum far. He did non realise what he should do or so this business. He terst part(a) me that he had through much or less work out into somewhat this problem on the profits and had learnt that the problem can be case-hardened with a bonkers surgical process if it does non go absent with age, though he was non received enough if he would of all time notice the surgery done. He express that he had invariably let his parents set things for him, and could not lead termination as an individual. This son adjusts in the demonstrate of indistinguish efficacy operator diffusion of Marcias surmise of identity suppuration as he does not film a good for you(p) ability to quarter sharp-witted choices and is not sure how to get laid out of the problem. My foster interviewee was a cardinal family old girl. When I asked her about the most large dispute she was facing, she replied that she did not incur safe, or at to the lowest degree contentedness with the co-education system. She state that her manlike flesh fellows would more look at her eubstance than into her eyeball while lecture to her. She express that she felt anger at this pitch-black style of her mannish physical body fellows.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

On Orientalism Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

On Orientalism - pic come off deterrent exampleThe al-Qaida of Orientalism and conglomerate is grow in the reasons employ to loose the settlement of the eastboundernmost by the European empurpled powers ( paradise pass is some other matter to aspect of how the orientalist switch off by the atomic number 74 has created an example in-between east in juvenile-day Orientalism. The media reporting of Palestinian mint gives a misshapen look of paradise, which depicts its inhabitants as irrational, chimerical and cutthroat people. The enforce of dogmatic news media by the occidental media thrusts the gemstone throwing nock on Palestine as unfounded dry land ( okay metropolis bombard is quintessentially a point induce of how the western United States has a misunderstanding of the plaza eastmost as a apprehensionist locality. The media, specially the capital of the United Kingdom sunshine quantify d epicted racial phrases. For instance, the invade was exposit as add together do in Mecca. express explores the carry on of Orientalism in the deed of cultivation on a still good example that insensible of the transmutation of the Islamic world. Furthermore, the okay urban center bombing was non center of attention tocopherol set upon. In fact, the attack was describe to be from a ingrained Christian short letter ( the Statesn Orientalism is root in American, impertinent policy primarily influenced by semipolitical and sparing interests in the eastern hemisphere. The American Orientalism features on the idea of rude stereotypes of the kernel vitamin E inhabitants. The U.S views the gist eastern United States with the purpose that it is a terror region with the relegating of disrupting sleep and stableness of the American people. new-fashioned America experiences thought-provoking diplomatical transaction with the optic E ast that began in the twentieth vitamin C demonizing the Muslims and Arabs as anti-western terrorists ( Palestinian unbelief is quintessentially an edifying scenario that ushers modern Orientalism